Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Safer today than on 9/11????

In what Universe is the Republican Administration living? Surely not the same one the rest of us are living in. President Bush would have us believe that we are safer today because of his leadership than we were on 9/11 but how? Last year his administration proved that we aren't safe from Natural disasters and their aftermath even when they knew well in advance that catastrophe was how can we possibly be safe from the plotting of people who have shown themselves cunning and steadfast enough to attack us wherever this Administration chooses to place us? President Bush placed our citizens in Iraq. Prior to that Iraq was not a feeding frenzy for the AlQaida terrorists. President Bush was so intent on our safety AFTER 9/11 that he was brokering a deal to turn over the safety of our ports to the very peoples that attacked us...I of course refer here to the Dubai ports deal. President Bush declared the MISSION ACCOMPLISHED long ago and yet accuses his opposition to the continued OCCUPATION and ASSASSINATION of American troops in today's Iraqi Civil War as soft on American Security...I mean HELLO...The Americans that are dying in Iraq are not dying in the war that was declared ACCOMPLISHED that Americans how can opposition be traitorous, communistic, or defeatist?

The Bush Administration DOES display a time-honored American trait...Speaking with FORKED-TONGUE.

Safer? When Has THIS President and his bunch of Merry Incompetents done ANYTHING that has been successful?

Have the Social Security reforms been successful?

Have we found and brought Osama Bin Ladin to justice?

Did they find Weapons of Mass Destruction in Iraq?

Has the Katrina damage been restored?

Was/IS the wire tapping legal?


O.K. YES the tax cuts for the UPPER 1% of the American people WAS 1% of the American people have something positive to say about this President and his band of Merry buffoons...But that sort of leaves the other 99% of us wallowing in the mire created by them along with the rest of the world that had nothing to do with electing them but have to endure the negativity of his misguided ego.

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