Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Playing Hide "N" Seek

Oh Where, Oh Where has the Constitution Gone...Not so long time passing...Where oh Where has the Geneva Convention Gone....not long ago...Where oh Where have our basic rights gone...Gone to Bushwhacked everyone...Oh When will we ever learn...Oh When will we ever learn? (Sung to Where Have All The Flowers Gone?)

A that what we are? It's what we are SUPPOSED to be, but where is the democratic process in imprisoning, torturing, and ridiculing human beings while denying the rights guaranteed UNDER THE LAW?

Dispensing with human dignity...even for alleged terrorists reduces US to the SAME level we claim the terrorists crawl around in. Is it O.K. to be a slithering snake because you have Old Glory tattooed to your molting skin?

How are our tactics any better than those we are at war with? If we want to spread human dignity and democracy, how can we dispense with matter what we believe the provocation is?

I cannot help but wonder how those 3000 souls that died in the 9/11 attack would feel about the path this administration has taken since THEIR ultimate sacrifice.

We are a Country comprised of MANY cultures. It is always a challenge integrating so many diverse ideologies into a somewhat coherent mantra for following by all.

I find it very confusing that on the one hand, The President and his regime' wish to give the multitude of ILLEGAL Immigrants amnesty...they CHOSE to violate the laws here by invading this Country illegally...but because they aid the Businesses here, we are to just turn a blind eye to their criminality and open our arms in granting them ALL the alleged rights of American life...yet many of those being held without benefit of the legal system in Gitmo, are criminals WITHOUT due process?

I am 1/4 Cherokee. The Trail of Tears is part of my history...AND America's. America has a history of treating those they consider BENEATH them poorly....yet time and time again, their treatment is proven for the evil that it is. How many Japanese Americans who were here legally and only had committed the crime of not having the right slant to their eyes, were sent to Containment (a euphemism for PRISON CAMPS...perhaps NOT as bad as those run by the Nazi's but still cruel beyond measure)...during the Second World War?

How many men, women, and children found themelves strung up to the nearest tree because they were confiscated from THEIR native lands and transported here just so they could be abused for their skin color by genteel Southern plantation owners?

How many Irish immigrants were shoved into third place cargo holds aboard luxury ships because they DARED to hope they would be treated with humanity here in the United States, but were instead treated as scum that one had to scrape from their boots, less they become contaminated by spud fungus?

The list goes on...and in EACH case America's attitudes were proven horribly, cruelly wrong?

How is what we are doing to these detainees any different than what Hitler did to HIS POWs? I KNOW Bush doesn't like being likened to Hitler...or Napoleon...or Ghengis Khan...but look at history. Is what America is doing ANY different than what ANY ideological hot-head done throughout history?

Bush is photographed looking out of the cockpit with this child-like animation on his face...Seeing those types of pictures reminds me of Nero...playing with his fiddle while Rome burned around him.

It is time to stop looking at this as a game of Cops and Robbers. It is TOO real for that. Take off your ten gallon hat, unhook your spurs, Mr. President and bring BACK the Contstitution you were charged to UPHOLD not surreptiously...or blatantly circumvent.

One other thing before I post this.

I have listened to the Bush supporters ranting about the fact that the Democrats have no cohesive centralized ideas about how to deal with the debacle in Iraq. Stay the Course, even though EVERYONE devoted to the ELEPHANT recites that like their daily prayer, it is NOT working.

I would be very upset
if everyone in the Democratinc party DID agree.

Iraq is a festering debacle. If the Democrats all agreed, they would be as hard to rally around as the Elephants.

The ELEPHANTS want to stay the course...a course that is NOT working. At least the Donkeys know it is going to take a LOT of creativity to extricate ourselves from Iraq and are not willing to be pressured by any one faction within their ranks to rally around a plan or idea that they do not believe is a viable answer. I am encouraged by this ebb and flow of theories, and dismayed that the Elephants are so rigidly willing to spout over and over, what has proven not to work. Dissent and the discussions and modifications of same, IS what democracy is SUPPOSED to be.


Is Washington BROWN enough for you?

Our Nation's capitol is

I am NOT a member of either political party...Therefore, I am in the position of being able to fairly...without bias...evaluate the performance of our Political arena. I have noticed that Washington, D.C. is BROWN!

Why do I say that?

Terry Schivo, a young woman who should NOT have been at the epicenter of the Republican brown nosers leaping so qucikly into the fray...(who says our governemnt moves slowly?) claim that they know better than the actual doctors TREATING Ms. Schivo about what was best for this woman, a woman that none of them offered to pay the accumlating medical bills for, (even though HER doctors disagreed with the Republican's position) deny her the dignity of God's CHOSEN time for her death. Dontcha love, though, that they, the politcal brown tossers, say they are fighting for Terry BECAUSE to not continue keeping her alive would be taking her life OUT of God's hands! (Reminds of Bush, the one all those browners are queing up to pay their brown homage to, claims that stem cell research is bad because it plays God, while his two children, Jenna and Barbara, are only here because he and Laura let science..."In Vitro" one-up God in giving them those children.)

Then we have the recent ire over the news media reporting about the "SECRET" methods being used to monitor and track alQaida. How can the browners speak this tripe with a straight face? Bush himself as well as his helium inflated second Cheney spoke to the media years ago about following the money trail. AND this is the same bunch of Browners who continue to say there was NOTHING wrong with Bush/Cheney outing a CIA operative because she happened to be married to an ambassador who disagreed with what the Browners were claiming as the reason for the war...reasons that have since been proven lies.

Frist, Hastert, Alito, Rumsfeld, are only the tip of the brown ice berg that flows within the dark, murky, brown waters within the Beltway.

And you know what? I have NEVER liked the color brown, and I like it even less on the faces of those people elected to represent the PEOPLE...not the posturing demi-geniuses inside 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.

Saturday, June 24, 2006

Spin the Wheel

There are just SO many topics of shame to chose from, I think I need a wheel to spin.

There's the rumors of a "relationship" between Dubya and Condi...can I just comment on that by saying...EWWWWW!!! Here's a man who can rarely speak without tripping over his tongue...can NEVER ride a bicycle without doing bark-damage to the plant world he rides into, and claims "MISSION ACCOMPLISHED" in a splashy photo-staged extravaganza then has the nerve to accuse the OTHER party of "Cut and Run" tactics because they want a definitive date for the END of that Mission Accomplished. This is the SAME Dubya that proclaimed he would bring HONOR back to the White House after the "horrid" lies told by the former President about...horrors upon horrors...HIS PERSONAL LIFE. This is the same Dubya that thinks he is ABOVE the Constitution...such a pesky piece of nonsense dontcha know...and that unlike the TRUE function of the Executive Branch...(EXECUTING THE LAWS)...he's authorized by powers unknown to anyone with ANY knowledge of politics, to MAKE THE LAWS AS HE SEES FIT! OK...Maybe that last bit might give him a MODICUM of appeal to someone like Condeleesa Rice...but still I say EWWWWWWWW!!!!

I mean, seriously...Has anyone noticed how Laura Bush's mouth has morphed into the sour look one would get if one had been sucking on a lemon for a VERY long time? Doesn't that suggest just how much of an EWWWWW we are talking about here?

Moving On...For the first time I find myself having to applaud Arnold Swartzenneger. (How bizarre is that?) Seems CA's stellar governor had the moxie to REFUSE Bush's request,(demand)that California send its National Guard to stomp the length of the Mexican Border. I never thought I would find a reason to praise CA's governor, but I am now in that position. Swartzenegger and Qwest Communications...You give us hope!

To Senators Lautenberg and Menendez...YAY!!! Thank you for voting FOR a deadline for the debacle in Iraq this week. These two men comprise the senators from NJ. (You know...right across the Delaware from where we have Rick Santorum, Senator from PA ANNOUNCING this week that WMDs HAVE been found in Iraq...those powerfully degraded, virtually harmless OLD and long Saddam himself...stockpiles from back in the late 80's WMDs that Santorum proudly touts as REAL FINDS...((Doesn't that smack of the ORIGINAL CLAIMS by Dubya and his band BACK in 2002 as the erroneous and long proven inaccurate reasons we went to Iraq?)) he smirks that oily smirk he has become so infamous for.)

Senators Lautenberg and Menendez voted the way MOST of America WANTS their representatives to vote. I want our military ACTUALLY fighting the ones responsible for 9/11...NOT the demi-alQaida leaders that our invasion of Iraq has let rise to delusions of power.

To those who are overseeing the out-of-control spending of Dubya's posse', I say...GET OFF YOUR DUFFS AND OVERSEE!!!

If Dubya had been applying for a job when he threw his Stetson into our Political arena he would have been canned long ago. Think about all the lies he told to get Americans to vote for him. I think it is time we Americans demanded that our politicians keep the promises they make rather than making them just so they can get elected, then quickly forgetting about them. Our government's representatives should be trustworthy...O.K., O.K., I KNOW they are NOT, but just because that is the way things HAVE been done, doesn't mean it is the way things SHOULD be done. Deceit is deceit whether it manifests itself under oath...(Blll Clinton's allegedly Impeachable crime)...or whether it rears itself aboard an aircraft carrier in front of a sign that says "MISSION ACCOMPLISHED". If you make a promise while running or representing, you owe it to those who entrusted the power of their vote to you, to come through. Lies on the stand in a Court Room are considered a crime...why aren't lies told from the voting platform, the Capitol floor, the White House podium...the White House Press Room...The Pentagon, etc., etc., etc.?

Can you imagine the corporate world allowing management to get away with the level of incompetence shown by the current band of merry buffoonss within the Beltway?

The wheel just keeps spinning. It is REALLY hard figuring out which topic of shame to write about. Maybe I'll figure it out next time.

For now, I apologize for my lack of topic.

Thursday, June 22, 2006

Pick Up Your Feet

I'm originally from Pennsylvania, but today I am glad that I don't have to take credit for having Rick Santorum as one of the TWO senators representing me. I have found Rick Santorum to be lacking in basic ethics before...his harangue against malpractice lawsuits AFTER suing and winning a staggering judgment on his wife's behalf pops into my mind...his harangue about the quality of life of one Terry Schivo whom he, just like Dr, Senator Bill Frist, had never met, examined, or had access to her medical records...but yesterday's proclamation by Rick Santorum is without as doubt the worst.

Rick Santorum has not served in the military, but he is in a war to save his political carcass, so it's O.K. to boldly lie about finding the WMDs that allegedly was the reason for us invading Iraq. (Hasn't Rickie heard...Bush's most recent excuse for this debacle of a war is NOT WMDS, but for the LIBERATION OF THE IRAQI PEOPLES FROM A VICIOUS DICTATOR)

Never mind that the weapons...degraded mustard gas that would give Rickie such a burn on his lying lips if he ever got close enough to check out his statement...never mind that if this "find" was significant enough to warrant publicity would have already been broadcasted via the loudest megaphone or tin can phone system the smirking President could access...never mind that we have heard it all before...(remember those traveling labs that we saw plastered across our screens in the very early days of the LIBERATION?)

Rickie fights from the comfort of his wealth and prestige but feels no compunction about telling the truth. Meanwhile 2,500 men and women have died fighting a REAL war so he can claim success not based on the reality of their sacrifices, but on LIES to boost HIS political popularity!

SHAME ON YOU RICK SANTORUM. I am GLAD that I do not have to bare the weight of having placed my trust in you to represent me. You are a smarmy little weasel who thinks it is O.K. to lie so you can win your fight for political power, while gaining that power on the lives of our courageous and HONORABLE military.

To Rickie, and to ALL politicians I say SHAME on ALL of you for the lies. How do any of you manage to sleep at night when you haven't got even a passing acquaintance with truth and honor?

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

DUCK!!! More Cow Pies are a'flyin'

Praise for the war...the war in IRAQ...not the war against the people who were responsible for the attacks against us on 9/11. Praise for being bullies...because whether we like it or not, America WAS the bully in Iraq.

On September 11th, 2006 it will be five years since the attack against America. We got Sadaam...did we REALLY want him?

This little demi-god who was contained by the nearly ten years of U.N. sanctions against him?

As I have said in earlier posts...YES he was a BAD man. There is no place reserved in the upper tiers of Heaven for Sadaam...Purgatory? Maybe...but although he caused Hell for many, he was not behind the 9/11 attacks against us. al Zarcowi??? (I KNOW that's not how his name is spelled, but phonetically it is as close as I can get.)...He was not a POWER in Iraq until AFTER we allegedly liberated Iraq....but we got him...only to have another head of that particular Hydra sprout from its serpentine body.

We got Sadaam's egomaniacal sons. Bad guys, true, but again NOT the ones responsible for 9/11. (I can imagine the wives, girlfriends, and young females in Iraq are glad we got those two...rapists, murderers, strong-armed hoodlums...yes...but egotists that were not any more willing to share their dubious powers with alQaida than their father would have been.)

So now that we have these four really not-so-nice men, do you feel safer?

The war in Iraq continues. Our death toll JUST for our own people since "liberating" Iraq (never mind the scores of innocent men, women, children, and civilians dead),is almost as high as the number of people killed during the 9/11 assault.

DO you feel safer?

The Bush administration says we ARE safer because there have been no attacks on American soil since he took up the reins against the Insurgent Dogs.

I may not be a world leader, or belong to a prestigious think tank, but common sense tells me that if we have lost almost as many of our citizens in the last three years inside Iraq as were lost in the 9/11 attack, we are NOT safer...just we have placed our citizens where it is easier for the terrorists to kill us in THEIR background. Why should they plot and plan an extravagant attack against us here, when it is so much easier for them to chip away at us with daily persistence in their own playground? They, not us, blend in over there.

I remember one of the biggest problems we faced in Viet Nam was knowing who the friends were and who the foes were because they ALL looked alike...and why shouldn't they have? They, not us, were indigenous to that area. The same is true in this debacle in Iraq. The alleged insurgents LOOK just like Joe-Abdul-Smith.

I have listened to the debates going on over ending this war and giving a date for withdrawal of our troops. Our troops should NEVER have been sent into Iraq. The Bush administration owes America one humongous apology. In its eagerness to finish what Bush senior started, it used the 9/11 attacks to gain entry into Iraq by becoming the bully.

Osama bin Laden has NOT been captured or killed. How anyone inside 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue can celebrate and applaud is beyond me. No amount of spin can change the facts that IRAQ was NOT alQaida until AFTER we bombed the crap out of them.

Are we safer? We bombed a country not even remotely connected to those responsible for 9/11. Now that we know without doubt that they had NOTHING to do, what are we doing? Although they deny it, it seems to me that we are Nation Building. WE want Iraq to be OUR democracy attached to us by not-so-invisble chains of possession.

Prior to the onset of the OUR Revolutionary War, we had our own people plotting and planning the downfall of King George. We didn't have China deciding to come here with their firepowder to blast the Red Coats into oblivion. The people living HERE decided they wanted the change...and not ALL of the people here made that choice. There were plenty of loyal subjects here, but those who wanted their freedom wanted it badly enough to give up their OWN lives to get it.

Iraq wanted its freedom from Sadaam? Iraq wanted to be out from under the control of this megalomaniac? Then why didn't they do something about it?

We know that many Iraqis escaped to the West, set up new lives here and abroad while doing nothing to bring an end to the government they claim was so horrid. If freeing your Country means so much, as it did for the forefathers of THIS Country, why didn't they do something about it? The insurgency shows that death means little to the Iraqi people and the Muslim leaders. If freedom was truly what the Iraqi people wanted, why didn't they fight for it?

Bush claims we have done a noble thing in Iraq. Being a bully is noble? Allowing the very Jihadists that we claim were responsible for 9/11 into the vacuum left by ridding Iraq of Sadaam makes for a better life for the Iraqi people? HOW?

America was attacked. I do not know if our policies around the world fuel the anger that inspired alQaida to begin attacking us. I am not a politician. I do not have access to the information about our conduct around the world...but America WAS attacked. There is a huge festering wound that weeps within the very fabric of what is America because of 9/11. Innocent people died, and the rest of us are left to try to make some kind of sense of it. America was attacked....Not by Iraq. America was attacked by alQaida. AlQaida was not in IS now. Do you feel safer? Osama bin Ladin is still out there plotting and planning. For now his plots and plans do not require traveling...we are in his backyard...ripe for easy picking. We turned our backs on pursuing him with the tenacity Bush promised...we turned that tenacity on Sadaam...and we got Sadaam.

One would assume that once we got Sadaam, Iraq and our military would be safer. Al Zarcowi proved how naive'we were.

We got Zarcowi...within 12 hours the violence of the insurgency escalated and a new leader came to the forefront.

Our political parties need to look long and hard at Iraq. The area is unstable, they say so we dare not leave...who destabilized Iraq? By remaining are we not making it all the more unstable? When you consider that alQaida's recruitment numbers are up BECAUSE we are in Iraq, how can anyone believe our continued presence helps?

Our military deserve the finest minds determining battle strategy. They deserve the respect for their skills and willingness to die for OUR security. They deserve the best tools OUR tax dollars can buy...Have we given that to them in this debacle in Iraq?

To the Republicans I say...No amount of spin can alter the fact that your party is ultimately responsible for the multitude of mistakes made since 9/11. To the Democrats I say, get off your collective stools and start making real waves. Being against the war does NOT mean you are anti-troops, anti-America, or anti-homeland.

To those politicians who have actually SERVED,(and I KNOW there aren't MANY of you) I say...remember what being a member of the militaryy is SUPPOSED to be and make sure you fight so that today's military HAS what it needs and so richly deserves. I also say give our military the battle we all agreed should be theirs to fight...ending alQaida...not policing Iraq's civil war.

Sunday, June 18, 2006

Hypocrisy...alive and well...

Isn't it nice to know that in this enlightened age, hypocrisy is alive and well? How do I know this? Well after watching the events of the last week, I would be hard pressed NOT to.

This Country does not go for the jugular against...oh...say Ann Coulter...who is selling her books on her attacks against what many of us would consider patriotic...I mean those wives who lost husbands to the 9/11 attacks, and those family members, like Cindy Sheehan who lost family members to this allegedly Patriotic...(how can ANYONE think killing is a badge of Patriotism)...war..but let someone...oh Like the Dixie Chicks dare to dis the President, a man who by the way has done very little to prove HIS patriotism...and they are vilified, receive death threats and are treated as enemies that rank higher on the list than Osama. Remember him...Osama Bin Laden...the man Bush said was 100% responsible for 9/11...until he decided that Saddam was responsible and had WMDs...that he didn't have?

Ann Coulter has not served in Iraq. The Dixie Chicks have not served in Iraq. Ann Coulter was still in diapers during the Viet Nam War. The Dixie Chicks weren't even twinkles in their parent's eyes. Ann Coulter cannot claim any talents that she can separate FROM extreme tenets of Bush Patriotism that she spouts with arrogant though misinformed regularity. The Dixie Chicks rode to fame on...My God...their MUSICAL talents. Having no discernible talents has not kept Ms. Coulter from spouting her outrageous venom...BUT because the Dixie Chicks ARE gifted, they have been told to stick to their gifts and stop mouthing off.

Hmmm Talented trio but not allowed to open their mouths.

Hmmm. A woman with NO talent but who constantly is opening her mouth and spewing BS.

Dixie Chicks are unpatriotic for not liking Bush AND having the guts to say so.

Ann Coulter hates the loved ones of the military and the TRUE victims of 9/11...but ADORES all things BUSH.

Bush never went to War. (Daddy Bush got him out of it.) But he knows more about war and the military because due to the Supreme Court sticking their noses into what was SUPPOSED to have been a democratic election process, he's the Commander in Chief. As Commander in Chief he captured Saddam...NOT Osama. He directed the conditions that led to Abu Grhaib...and more recently the massacre in Haditha. (I KNOW you were still in diapers Ms. Coulter, but your bud SHOULD remember the Mi Lai massacre during the Viet Nam War, but trust me Ms. Coulter, massacres of innocents are NOT good things.)

The Dixie Chicks are having to cancel concerts here in the good old U.S. of A. because they dissed the President. Don't you find it ironic that back in 2002 Rummy and Bush's other band of Merry Men were dissing the French but today are having to practically get down and lick their heels to gain their support. ALSO while the U.S. is having its concerts cancelled, the Dixie Chicks are having to ADD dates to their International dates? Somehow I cannot imagine Ms. Coulter having to add BOOK SIGNING dates for her tome of outrageous trash...either here or abroad.


Ann Coulter...LOVES Bush but HATES the men and women in the military and their families who are the ones making the sacrifices so SHE has the freedom to flap her gums. Yet she tells these fine people NOT to flap theirs because by doing so they are taking advantage of the tragic losses of their family's lives.

The Dixie Chicks don't like Bush. Given his approval rating they are not alone.

The Dixie Chicks fans feel betrayed. EXCUSE ME!!! Who betrayed whom? You ADORED the outspoken manners of the Dixie Chicks BB...(Before Bush)...yet wanted them to change AB (After Bush)...because it was the PATRIOTIC THING TO DO!!!

My patriotism lies in honoring the sacrifices made by those who ACTUALLY give their all to protect and serve. The men and women of the Military AND their families. The families who have to live with the starkest losses after 9/11.

Bush is the President...because he's the president he automatically deserves to be treated like he's some kind of a god?

Not that long ago Bill Clinton was the president, I don't remember the Republicans doling out much in the way of respect, do you? In fact, I seem to remember Ann Coulter coming onto the scene about then and being one of the talking heads that had the MOST to say AGAINST President Clinton. How is it that her challenging, and disrespecting Clinton was O.K. but anyone who dares speak out against Bush is UN-patriotic? IS INDEED ALIVE AND WELL!

Put the Blame Where it Belongs!

I cannot understand anyone criticizing Brad and Angelina for donating the money they got for their daughter's pictures to the children of Africa. Both David Levy and Catherine Kauffman currently quoted as outraged that Brad and Angelina did not donate their money to America's poor children, should be ashamed of themselves.

In the first place...America...America donated tons of money to Katrina relief...America also paid for such stellar relief items as sex changes, season tickets to sporting events, and condoms...LOTSA condoms...all in the name of Katrina relief. Fema did such a WONDERFUL job didn't it?

If the Foster care system is bad, which it is, how about our politicians stop funding the shady deals being made by Halliburton...and this Administration.

We are pouring trillions of dollars into Iraq...but as Katrina showed, we DO have a third world Country right here. I am a firm believer in not pouring good money into bad. Iraq has proven to be bad in so many about some of those squandered and misappropriated funds that Americans work hard to supply our politicians, be funneled back into programs to help our own people FIRST!

The premise that Angelina and Brad make their money here in America and should therefore spend it here, is simple minded. Does Mr. Levy really believe that these two stars are as successful as they are because America goes to see them? Somehow I imagine they make a lot of money around the world. (Isn't David Hasselhoff more popular in Germany than he is here?)

BUT even if Mr. Levy was right, who is he to tell them where they should spend their money? The Bush White House and its associates made their fortunes here in good old U.S. of A. yet I do not see them spending any of their money on American relief. If I remember correctly Dubya donated a paltry $10,000.00 of his own money to Katrina relief. Considering how much he has squandered during his tenure as President, that hardly seems like more than a drop in his personal rain puddle.

Angelina and Brad chose a marvelous way of introducing their new baby to the World AND making that introduction help an area that has been forgotten, ignored, or worse. To turn their generosity around and make it into something evil-spirited is so wrong.

In the past we have had scandals with American charities mismanaging funds. (As in leaders pocketing, diverting, stealing monies donated in the name of charity.)

I do not know anything about Mr. Levy's or Ms. Kauffman's agencies, but that they would come out and criticize ANY effort on anyone's part in helping children...ANYWHERE in the world...makes me certain that they are not organizations I would want receiving MY money.

In a Country as rich and prosperous as America for their to be deaths due to poverty is a black mark not against the people of America, but the politicians elected to REPRESENT the people. They are placed in office to advocate for the people...ALL the American people...but they place business and special interest groups before the well-being of America.

So to Angelina and Brad I say, God Bless. To Mr. Levy and Ms. Kauffman, I say SHAME ON YOU. If you want to blame someone for the conditions here in America, blame those who operate within the Beltway.

Friday, June 09, 2006

Burrs in My Saddle

I really did try NOT to need to write this, but I just took my BP and I'm afraid if I don't vent, something else...something I'd rather NOT have venting...will...SO here goes!

Ann Coulter...The self proclaimed WITTY one, who finds it is humorous to call women who lost their immediate loved ones in 9/11 "harpies", opportunistitc witches who have made their fortunes off of the backs of their dead loved ones so should not care if anything has changed to prevent ANOTHER 9/11, is the catalyst for my risen blood pressure.

Ms. say that 9/11 was not THEIR tragedy. To a certain extent I DO agree. This Country, that had not been violated on its OWN soil since Pearl Harbor, lost its innocence. In that respect we are ALL victims of the carnage of 9/11. BUT unless I missed something, YOU, MS. COULTER, did not lose anyone immediately attached to you...even though, may I add, you have certainly parlayed the 9/11 events and the actions of the current "would-be-king" to make your own fortunes. What price innocence? Having not still been in diapers during the Viet Nam War and Richard Nixon's attempts to usurp power in the name of that War, I have many more memories to draw upon in making my commentaries than you and elsewhere.

That said, I would much rather lose my innocence than someone I have loved and lived with. We already knew that America's borders were not secure and that Al Qaida wanted to harm America. (Do you NOT remember the attack on the WTC nine years earlier?) SOOOO America lost her innocence....sorta, but not on 9/11...She, America, was already aware that she was vulnerable to outside enmity. Al Qaida had not spent those intervening nine years transmiting its contempt and hatred for America via the old tin-can phone how much of OUR innocence did America REALLY HAVE to lose on 9/11?

We hurt. The Nation of America hurt...and the world understood our pain on that day. How could they not? How could anyone not understand the pain of losing 3000 plus innocent lives and in such a dramatic way? How could anyone not understand the soul-shattering tragedy for all those families that lost their loved ones on that day...and the aching void they've had to endure every day since?

The pain of 9/11 is a wound that still bleeds five years later. As long as I live, I will never forget the anguish I felt watching innocent people throw themselves out of the crippled towers. I will never forget the masses of people covered in the pulverized aftermath of the Towers disintegration or the stark looks of the bewilderment on the faces of New Yorkers fleeing Ground Zero.

I hurt, MS. Coulter...for all of those lives whose unique voices were crushed out on 9/11. BUT, I did NOT lose an immediate member of my family. Had I lost a loved one, the gaping wound that exists within my memories of 9/11 would multiply to the nth degree. There would be no level of peace for me...especially when I see that nothing...not ONE thing has changed. Imagine knowing that your loved one's death was for nothing, because this Country did not learn from it, and others could so easily be blasted into the same depths of despair five years later.

Our borders are no more secure today, despite the billions wasted in the last five years, allegedly FOR securing those borders. The Intelligence community is a quagmire of misdirection, confusion, and incompetency draining us of our hope for a better future.

Imagine, Ms. Coulter, if your loved one had died on 9/11...then imagine that the Administration tries to push through a plan for the very geographic factions that bred the murderers of 9/11 to be contracted to secure our sea ports! Does that make any sense? Isn't that the same as locking the fox inside the henhouse and throwing away the key all the while hoping that THAT fox doesn't have his own rabid fangs?

Wishful thinking didn't work after the FIRST attack on the WTC...Somehow I doubt that the terrorists have dummied down enough since 9/11 for us to think it'll work as a deterrent now.

You lost no one, but you have ridden to celebrity on the tainted carpet of 9/11. You have lined your bottom line on the sacrifice of others. You tar and feather any who disagree with you and/or your little Dubya as non-patriotic...but you are not over in Iraq fighting for the war that your Dubya touts so highly...any more than any of HIS family members, friends, or cronies are there.

You like the freedom afforded by the Constitution, but viciously wish to deny those same rights to the brave women who chose not to just disappear within their grief, the same rights to speak out and be heard. They lost family, but they also HAVE they are tenaciously trying to keep from ever having to live through another senseless 9/1l-like assault. You, on the other hand, seem to have lost nothing more than your humanity.

I praise the New Jersey Widows. I praise the mothers, sisters, wives, brothers, fathers, sons, aunts, and uncles of our Courageous Soldiers for speaking out and demanding to know WHY they must sacrifice when nothing is being done to make it better. War is not a panacea...nor should it be an accepted way of living. Since no WMDs were ever found, this war is allegedly NOW about giving the Iraqi people democracy...but you, Ms. Coulter, viciously wish to deny democracy to the people who have lost their loved ones fighting for that philosophy.

In other words...simpler words...It's time to get off your soap box and let those who have earned their rights to speak out, to do so.

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Cow Pies...The Sequel

I found some more BEEF.

Are you as sick of the TomKat nonsense as I am? HELLO...!!! I fail to understand the questionable behavior of Mr. Tom. Leaping onto sofa's like a crazed bi-polar. Claiming that having this baby with his malleable "Kitten" meant everything to him...yet where was he when "Kitten" was due to deliver? Placing his movie career and publicity of same first. (I guess when you accept a percentage of the profits from a film rather than a salary, family, in this case the imminent arrival of one member of the family...takes LAST place. Can't disappoint those movie ticket buying fans for something as inconsequential as the birth of your child.) contrast we have Brad Pitt. He did NOT attend the Cannes Film festival because of the IMMINENT due date of HIS baby with Angelina Jolie. In the months leading up to the arrival of HIS baby, we saw Brad showing an amazing affinity for parenting AND support of his co-parenting partner. The pictures of Brad with Maddox show a trust in the looks Maddox casts Brad's way...and who wouldn't melt seeing Brad with little Zahara?

When Ann Curry interviewed Angelina the joy this woman is experiencing came out in marvelous giggles. With TomKat it seems Tom drags Kat around so he can plaster his lips onto hers at just the right moment when there is a vast public forum to capture the moment. (Makes one wonder if there isn't a cameraman somewhere...maybe in the vaults within the Celebrity Scientology compound, that doesn't have the digital proof that Tom really DID engage in the "nasty" with Kat once-upon-a-time.)

The few times Kitten actually DID open her mouth to speak of her "THRILLING' love-relationship with Mr. Tom, her gushes seemed..I don't know...more like what a girl would say who has a HUGE crush on her favorite matinee idol...BUT HEY...isn't that what really WAS happening here? Didn't Katie say she was in love with Tom when she was a girl and had posters of him plastered around her room?

Brad seems to be more of a true partner with Angelina. He doesn't drag her around like a toy trophy for the world to admire his abilities at attracting a woman young enough to be his daughter. He seems to genuinely adore the role of ALL of the children involved in his new-found family. He does not parade around like some father-figure needing to guide the little woman in the proper way of being a woman about to give birth. (Just how Tom, who has never given birth can possibly know the RIGHT way to give birth is beyond me...AND beyond a man whose claim to fame OTHER than creating his questionable religious doctrine...was as a writer of "SCIENCE FICTION" Yeah...Dr. L.Ron Hubbard, pseudo-psychiatrist, gynecologist, internist, etc., etc, etc.)

Tom seems to just want public verification that even though he never had a biological child with either of his wives or former girlfriends, his swimmers really CAN do more than a dead man's float...assuming that is, that that cameraman really DID document the deed and inserted a mini camera into "Kitten" to follow the course of Tom's paddlers as they sought unity with the "golden egg".

AND May I say that TomKat's drama deprived Brooke Shields, a woman who exhibited tremendous courage in view of her post-partum depression to give birth to her new baby. Tom criticized her for her illness...he who KNOWS psychiatry without benefit of a medical degree, thereby practicing medicine without a license!...(does anyone know if Tom ever went to college at all, and if he did, what he studied? It certainly wasn't compassion...which is SOME of what psychiatry teaches.)

So this completes my current sequel of Cow Pies...but stay tuned...I am sure more will land in the upcoming days and weeks.

Thursday, June 01, 2006

"I FIRST learned about it..."

I am confused. The President keeps telling us that "he didn't know about the shady acts of people in his administration and conducting HIS war until the media releases it." How can this be when we KNOW now, thanks to the media, that he has been monitoring all of our phone calls since 9/11? If he's monitoring ALL calls...ESPECIALLY those that are from abroad...(ha, ha, ha...or yeah RIGHT!)...then how can ANYONE involved in THIS administration claim ignorance?

And while I am on the subject of the confusion wafting from Washington, how can we believe in the current threat from Iran and THEIR nuclear power when Washington was SOOOO sure that Iraq had those extremely elusive WMDs that allegedly required our soldiers conduct an unending war against that Country?

Not since the administration of Richard Milhouse Nixon have I felt such confusion...nor such an air of becoming a Country where the people [you and me] are losing the power and rights the Constitution assures us...along with the lives of our brave men and women who are supposedly fighting to PROTECT those rights.