Thursday, June 01, 2006

"I FIRST learned about it..."

I am confused. The President keeps telling us that "he didn't know about the shady acts of people in his administration and conducting HIS war until the media releases it." How can this be when we KNOW now, thanks to the media, that he has been monitoring all of our phone calls since 9/11? If he's monitoring ALL calls...ESPECIALLY those that are from abroad...(ha, ha, ha...or yeah RIGHT!)...then how can ANYONE involved in THIS administration claim ignorance?

And while I am on the subject of the confusion wafting from Washington, how can we believe in the current threat from Iran and THEIR nuclear power when Washington was SOOOO sure that Iraq had those extremely elusive WMDs that allegedly required our soldiers conduct an unending war against that Country?

Not since the administration of Richard Milhouse Nixon have I felt such confusion...nor such an air of becoming a Country where the people [you and me] are losing the power and rights the Constitution assures us...along with the lives of our brave men and women who are supposedly fighting to PROTECT those rights.

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