Two deaths...two very diverse attitudes.
Ken Ley...corporate thief of MONUMENTAL proportion died at his vacation home in Aspen because he did NOT have to turn himself into the legal system after he was found GUILTY by a jury until some comfortable...for him...later date. YEAH CORPORATE CRIME...,you do the crime but can POSTPONE the time...AND during that postponement continue to avail yourself of the fruits of your illegally gotten gains. I mean SERIOUSLY...ASPEN! The playground of the rich and famous. in Colorado...The same COLORADO that spent almost ALL of the last ten years focusing on John and Patsy Ramsey for the brutal death of their daughter! (Boulder IS in Colorado!)
Patsy Ramsey died this week after fighting cancer for thirteen years...that's three years LONGER than her being a suspect. Patsy died...never knowing who killed her baby...never being accorded the sympathy a parent who loses a child to senseless violence would be shown...She and her husband lived for much of these years under the UMBRELLA of SUSPICION...only to have a GRAND JURY fail to indict...yet her death brings out the media finger-pointers wondering what secrets she took to her grave! PUHLEESE...She has known for a long time her end was coming...(cancer doesn't kill is NOT a heart attack!)...despite the evidence of ANOTHER person invading their home in Boulder on that fateful Dec. 26th early morning...STILL the media ponders what secrets about Jon Benet's death Patsy took to her grave?
Meanwhile Ken-rip-em-off-big-time-Ley, CONVICTED by a JURY gets to vacation AFTER the fact at the luxury home his ill-gotten gains afforded him in ASPEN?
There is something decidely wrong with this. Patsy was NEVER indicted let alone found guilty of killing or aiding in the murder of her daughter...(and you KNOW how hard they all TRIED to prove her guilty)...but her death brings out that same-sorry spiel; "WHAT DOES SHE KNOW BUT ISN'T TELLING AND CAN NOW NEVER TELL?" While Ken-boy-are-you-Enron-ers-fools-Ley gets to spend his GUILTY CHARGE in Aspen merrily spending more of the monies he should not have ever had access to.
To heaven and hell...hmmm...Patsy spent the last ten years in a double hell here on earth...she lost her child...a mother's worst nightmare...and she could not shake the suspicious finger of an incompetent legal system that had her branded a murderer. can only pray that she has found in Heaven the daughter she loved and cruelly lost upon her passing and is now contentedly at peace.
As for Ken-I' may have THOUGHT you had found heaven...and it probably appeared like you had...but now the BIG MAN gets to call the shots and I somehow doubt that HE will see the benevolence that ripping off all those people should buy you. The old adage that you can't take it with you, works BIG-TIME in HIS TERRITORY. Hell? For you, Ken? I wonder if it won't be WORSE than Hell for you. For everyone you harmed, you will have to atone via HIS methods...and HE has you for the LONG-TERM-SENTENCE...where Aspen will not even be a comforting memory.
I know that doesn't help those Ley ripped off...but know that he will be spinning on HIS spit for a very long time!
And as for you Patsy, may you rest now in the peace you did not find here on Earth...despite the media hounds reopening the tired-old rhetoric of your never proven duplicity.
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1 comment:
I personally felt cheated when Ley died even though I wasn't involved with Enron in any way. But it just felt like another case of a guy who got rich off the backs off everyone else getting away with it again. I mean, I don't believe in hell so I honestly think that by dieing he avoided paying a penalty for hurting innocent people. However, I do believe in reincarnation and karma so hopefully in his next life he will pay for his actions in this one.
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