Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Playing Hide "N" Seek

Oh Where, Oh Where has the Constitution Gone...Not so long time passing...Where oh Where has the Geneva Convention Gone....not long ago...Where oh Where have our basic rights gone...Gone to Bushwhacked everyone...Oh When will we ever learn...Oh When will we ever learn? (Sung to Where Have All The Flowers Gone?)

A that what we are? It's what we are SUPPOSED to be, but where is the democratic process in imprisoning, torturing, and ridiculing human beings while denying the rights guaranteed UNDER THE LAW?

Dispensing with human dignity...even for alleged terrorists reduces US to the SAME level we claim the terrorists crawl around in. Is it O.K. to be a slithering snake because you have Old Glory tattooed to your molting skin?

How are our tactics any better than those we are at war with? If we want to spread human dignity and democracy, how can we dispense with matter what we believe the provocation is?

I cannot help but wonder how those 3000 souls that died in the 9/11 attack would feel about the path this administration has taken since THEIR ultimate sacrifice.

We are a Country comprised of MANY cultures. It is always a challenge integrating so many diverse ideologies into a somewhat coherent mantra for following by all.

I find it very confusing that on the one hand, The President and his regime' wish to give the multitude of ILLEGAL Immigrants amnesty...they CHOSE to violate the laws here by invading this Country illegally...but because they aid the Businesses here, we are to just turn a blind eye to their criminality and open our arms in granting them ALL the alleged rights of American life...yet many of those being held without benefit of the legal system in Gitmo, are criminals WITHOUT due process?

I am 1/4 Cherokee. The Trail of Tears is part of my history...AND America's. America has a history of treating those they consider BENEATH them poorly....yet time and time again, their treatment is proven for the evil that it is. How many Japanese Americans who were here legally and only had committed the crime of not having the right slant to their eyes, were sent to Containment (a euphemism for PRISON CAMPS...perhaps NOT as bad as those run by the Nazi's but still cruel beyond measure)...during the Second World War?

How many men, women, and children found themelves strung up to the nearest tree because they were confiscated from THEIR native lands and transported here just so they could be abused for their skin color by genteel Southern plantation owners?

How many Irish immigrants were shoved into third place cargo holds aboard luxury ships because they DARED to hope they would be treated with humanity here in the United States, but were instead treated as scum that one had to scrape from their boots, less they become contaminated by spud fungus?

The list goes on...and in EACH case America's attitudes were proven horribly, cruelly wrong?

How is what we are doing to these detainees any different than what Hitler did to HIS POWs? I KNOW Bush doesn't like being likened to Hitler...or Napoleon...or Ghengis Khan...but look at history. Is what America is doing ANY different than what ANY ideological hot-head done throughout history?

Bush is photographed looking out of the cockpit with this child-like animation on his face...Seeing those types of pictures reminds me of Nero...playing with his fiddle while Rome burned around him.

It is time to stop looking at this as a game of Cops and Robbers. It is TOO real for that. Take off your ten gallon hat, unhook your spurs, Mr. President and bring BACK the Contstitution you were charged to UPHOLD not surreptiously...or blatantly circumvent.

One other thing before I post this.

I have listened to the Bush supporters ranting about the fact that the Democrats have no cohesive centralized ideas about how to deal with the debacle in Iraq. Stay the Course, even though EVERYONE devoted to the ELEPHANT recites that like their daily prayer, it is NOT working.

I would be very upset
if everyone in the Democratinc party DID agree.

Iraq is a festering debacle. If the Democrats all agreed, they would be as hard to rally around as the Elephants.

The ELEPHANTS want to stay the course...a course that is NOT working. At least the Donkeys know it is going to take a LOT of creativity to extricate ourselves from Iraq and are not willing to be pressured by any one faction within their ranks to rally around a plan or idea that they do not believe is a viable answer. I am encouraged by this ebb and flow of theories, and dismayed that the Elephants are so rigidly willing to spout over and over, what has proven not to work. Dissent and the discussions and modifications of same, IS what democracy is SUPPOSED to be.



Anonymous said...

We're on a terrifying course, aren't we? I forsee nothing but the bad if we can't somehow find a way to reverse this self-destructive wave of greed and elitism. America as a third world country in the not too distant future is a strong possibility. Anytime the middle class is eroded as the current administration seems determined to do, that country inevitably devolves into third world conditions.

I got to your blog from MJ Davidson's blog. Thought I'd check it out. Very interesting.

Anonymous said...

Sorry for misspelling foresee.