Sunday, June 18, 2006

Put the Blame Where it Belongs!

I cannot understand anyone criticizing Brad and Angelina for donating the money they got for their daughter's pictures to the children of Africa. Both David Levy and Catherine Kauffman currently quoted as outraged that Brad and Angelina did not donate their money to America's poor children, should be ashamed of themselves.

In the first place...America...America donated tons of money to Katrina relief...America also paid for such stellar relief items as sex changes, season tickets to sporting events, and condoms...LOTSA condoms...all in the name of Katrina relief. Fema did such a WONDERFUL job didn't it?

If the Foster care system is bad, which it is, how about our politicians stop funding the shady deals being made by Halliburton...and this Administration.

We are pouring trillions of dollars into Iraq...but as Katrina showed, we DO have a third world Country right here. I am a firm believer in not pouring good money into bad. Iraq has proven to be bad in so many about some of those squandered and misappropriated funds that Americans work hard to supply our politicians, be funneled back into programs to help our own people FIRST!

The premise that Angelina and Brad make their money here in America and should therefore spend it here, is simple minded. Does Mr. Levy really believe that these two stars are as successful as they are because America goes to see them? Somehow I imagine they make a lot of money around the world. (Isn't David Hasselhoff more popular in Germany than he is here?)

BUT even if Mr. Levy was right, who is he to tell them where they should spend their money? The Bush White House and its associates made their fortunes here in good old U.S. of A. yet I do not see them spending any of their money on American relief. If I remember correctly Dubya donated a paltry $10,000.00 of his own money to Katrina relief. Considering how much he has squandered during his tenure as President, that hardly seems like more than a drop in his personal rain puddle.

Angelina and Brad chose a marvelous way of introducing their new baby to the World AND making that introduction help an area that has been forgotten, ignored, or worse. To turn their generosity around and make it into something evil-spirited is so wrong.

In the past we have had scandals with American charities mismanaging funds. (As in leaders pocketing, diverting, stealing monies donated in the name of charity.)

I do not know anything about Mr. Levy's or Ms. Kauffman's agencies, but that they would come out and criticize ANY effort on anyone's part in helping children...ANYWHERE in the world...makes me certain that they are not organizations I would want receiving MY money.

In a Country as rich and prosperous as America for their to be deaths due to poverty is a black mark not against the people of America, but the politicians elected to REPRESENT the people. They are placed in office to advocate for the people...ALL the American people...but they place business and special interest groups before the well-being of America.

So to Angelina and Brad I say, God Bless. To Mr. Levy and Ms. Kauffman, I say SHAME ON YOU. If you want to blame someone for the conditions here in America, blame those who operate within the Beltway.

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