2000…the race is on for President. Out of Texas comes a man who can look directly into the camera’s relentless eye, and promise one and all that if HE is elected President, he will bring HONOR and INTEGRITY back to the White House. This promise he makes us AFTER the witch hunting engaged in during the Kenneth Starr persecution of Bill Clinton …you know, the Bill AND Hillary Clinton that they tried to get ANYTHING remotely criminal against…spending BILLIONS of dollars of taxpayer money, ONLY to come up with a lie he, Bill Clinton, told on a deposition for a CIVIL suit that technically should not have been allowed to occur while he was a SITTING PRESIDENT.
AGAIN…let me REITERATE…the ONLY thing the LYNCH-MOB mentality the Republicans could come up with to IMPEACH President Clinton for…was lying about his sex life, while the CHIEF Capitol lyncher, Newt Gingrich, conducted with his wife AND his MISTRESS sitting strategically several seats apart BEHIND him, ripped President Clinton a euphemistic NEW ONE.
STILL despite Clinton’s Impeachable crime…(I always thought Impeachment could only happen if the President had COMMITTED Treason, or oh…maybe…MURDER)…and the waste of the billions Kenneth Starr and his crack team of muckrakers…(Don’t you find it just a TAD hypocritical that Ann Coulter, the poster child for Republican’s lunacy now was on the team that represented Paula Jones and therefore, fed Starr the deposition USED to Impeach the President?)…Clinton left office with a HUGE surplus.
Now back to 2000 and the INTEGRITY AND HONOR promised by George W. Bush…or should I say BUSH JR.?
Today, March 20, 2007, Bush declared that he would OPPOSE anyone subpoenaing any one in his White House and he would ONLY allow his staff to have conversations OFF-THE-RECORD…WITHOUT TRANSCRIPTS…and NOT-UNDER-OATH! Imagine how easy the Clintons would have had it, had the Republicans been as righteous about NOT subpoenaing anyone connected with them. Clinton would have had a cake-walk...Makes you think, doesn't it?
Clinton lied about his personal sex life on a deposition for a Civil Law Suit instigated by Paula Jones, but steam-rollered by the Republicans. At NO point DESPITE years of dissecting every sneeze, hiccup, and social faux pas the Clintons had ever engaged in, did Kenneth Starr find anything remotely treasonous as defined BY the Constitution. Can the same be said for Mr. I-AM-GOING-TO-BRING-HONOR-AND-INTEGRITY-BACK-TO-THE-WHITEHOUSE say the same?
Hmmm…let me think on this.
Bush inherited a staggeringly healthy surplus that he gleefully spent within the fist six months of his reign….Six months…that’s January, February, March, April, May, and June of 2001. Still 2½ months BEFORE 9/11. By 9/11, Bush was ALREADY wantonly wracking up a deficit.
9/11…AlQaida attacks. Rightly Bush activates our Military to pursue those responsible for the attack upon us on our own soil. Afghanistan was a conflict that Americans AND world-wide opinion approved. Afghanistan WAS the appropriate place for Americans to go to war…But Bush could not let a chance to One-Up Daddy go by…Daddy Bush who did NOT advance into Iraq during Desert Storm. The same Daddy who ended his war quickly and decisively. The same Daddy that HAD complete UN support for his war against Saddam.
Bush Jr. LIED about Iraq’s WMDs. He refused to give the UN Inspectors any more time to prove or disprove his assertion that Iraq had and was planning to use Weapons of Mass Destruction and were in bed with AlQaida.
Lies…lies that cost Valerie Plame, the CIA agent whose husband dared to show that Bush and his minions had lied about Iraq’s contract with Niger. Lied so he, Bush, could bring down the gavel upon the Iraqi people with Shock-and-Awe pounding that they ares till reeling from FOUR YEARS later.
Outing an under-cover CIA operative that could compromise not only Ms. Plame but anyone who worked with her…anyone she had ever had contact with while performing her duties. Is that HOMELAND SECURITY? How is it in America’s best interest to out an agent whose job it is to seek out the intelligence needed to stay one-step-ahead-of-the-enemies?
Lies told freely and without remorse by Bush’s top men…lies that Bush refused to allow those top people from ever being held accountable…for unlike Kenneth Starr, the Special Prosecutor engaged to dig into the Valerie Plame outing did NOT rake beneath the layers of the Bush White House to prosecute ALL those responsible…choosing to stop with Scooter Libby and a half-hearted charge of PERJURY.
Had Clinton’s administration been responsible for outing Valerie Plame, I guarantee Kenneth Starr would not have rested with a minor perjury charge. Clinton, Gore, and anyone else even minimally connected with outing her would be in a Federal Prison for Treason….after all, Clinton was Impeached because he lied on a rinky-dinked perjury charge on a deposition that had absolutely NOTHING to do with his effectiveness as President.
Why is Bush so unwilling to have his minions testify ON-THE-RECORD, UNDER-OATH and in a public forum? He promised INTEGRITY AND HONOR, and yet that has been the farthest from what we have been stuck with.
No one is above the law…not even when the criminal faction pursues changing the Constitution to protect their own treasonous, illegal, immoral, bullying behaviors.
So, if the Democrats are so wrong about their assertions, it seems to me the best way to prove it is to allow public, on-the-record, under-oath testimony to verify it. BUt Bush and the Republicans are not willing to be as aggressive in truth seeking against their own as they were in picking apart every area of the Clinton's lives.
Your Attorney General needs to come clean about the firing of those US Attorneys, just as your Vice President and Mr, Rove SHOULD be investigated and if needed PROSECUTED for their part in the outing of Valerie Plame.
But then, the Republicans have a HISTORY of covering up the buck, don't they? Let's do a little recapping here...
First we have President Richard "I AM NOT A CROOK!" Milhouse Nixon...a Republican...who gave us the theft by the Republicans inside the Watergate...who left with his proverbial tail between his legs because of impending Impeachment proceedings against him for the cover-up, blanked out tapes, and the belief that he and his staff were ABOVE needing to respond to Legislative Oversight...{Deja vu of things to come?}
..AND President Gerald Ford...Tricky Dick's Republican Vice President...(anyone remember what NUMBER Vice President Gerald Ford was?)....first act as a never-voted-for Vice OR to PARDON Tricky "the best interest of the Country to speed up the healing process!!! YEAH RIGHT... I believed that then...Didn't you? And, oh SURE, I believed it now when the Current Republican in the White House lauded Ford for his concern for the Country and forsight in pardoning Nixon. I cannot help wondering if a Democrat would have been pardoned...But wait!! I KNOW he would not the future would come to prove.
Jimmy Carter...Democrat...Lusted in his mind and was castigated for not being so dead that he could not admire a beautiful woman. Jimmy Carter...his brother's Billy Beer was exceptionally criminal...dontcha think? Terrible, terrible terrible.
President Reagan and Vice President Daddy Bush...Republicans both...Supplying arms to the Contras...ILLEGAL? Oh you beat your sweet(*^&%$#%&^*%$^&*) BUT no in depth prosecution....Poor Oliver North...scapegoat placed upon the chopping block by his know, the President and his Vice.
President Daddy Bush...the S&L debacle...our great-great grandchildren will still be paying off that scam...and lest we all forgot, wasn't Neil Bush ANOTHER one of Daddy Bush's HONORABLE boys a part of this mess? And surely an adept Special Prosecutor COULD have found prosecutable acts...but of course no such Prosecutor was ever appointed.
President Clinton...Monica Lewinski...Paula Jones...and who KNOWS how many women he was with...Adultery is morally wrong, but prosecutable and lying about it...IMPEACHABLE? Only if you have a rabid dog like Kenneth Starr who was determined to prosecute Clinton...a DEMOCRAT...with the tenacity that can only be brought to bear if the offender happens to be not-a-Republican!
President Baby Boy many criminal acts do we already know about perpetrated by him and his minions? But Scooter Libby is the Ollie North of Baby Boy's time. Sacrificial lamb...for perjury...same charge that they IMPEACHED Clinton for...only Scooter's perjury is NOT about an overactive personal libido, but for lying about outing a CIA operative to the media and the world. Which do you think is more dangerous to the SECURITY of the United States? With Monica we got some butt-ugly purses...with the outing of Valerie Plame? With the Abu Ghraib and Gitmo torture? With the invasion, and occupation of Iraq? With the response to those devasated by Huricane Katrina? The humongously obscene deficit and misappropriations of federal funds?
It is TIME that the Republicans allow the truth to be told...unless...
What are you so afraid of Mr. Bush?
Honor and Integrity require truth and transparency. You offer secrecy, subterfuge, and apoplexy when legitimate questions arise. That’s’ NOT acceptable, Mr. Bush! You are not a king, emir, emperor, shah, kaiser, tsar, sheik, or any other all-powerful despot. You are a SERVANT of the American People. Nothing more and nothing less.
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