Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Retroactive War Crime Protection?

World War II. Hitler. Mengle. Himmler. Goerhing. War Criminals all as defined by the Geneva Convention.

The Geneva Convention has stood the test of time...(well over sixty years since the end of WW II) dealing with autocrats, despots, demigods, dictators, who felt they had the right to play God and treat their fellow man however cruelly and inhumanely. People are not insects to be crushed beneath the strongest boot, no matter how much power those boots contain.

The Bush administration has drafted amendments to the War Crimes Act that would RETROCATIVELY protect policymakers from possible criminal charges for authorizing humiliating and degrading treatment of detainees. WHY do we need an amendment if the acts conducted under Bush's banner, are not illegal?

IF, however, they ARE illegal, what message would it send to the world if we enact laws to retroactively protect those who ignored the Geneva Convention by abusing detainees? How can America expect fair treatment of HER men and women prisoners around the world, if America can with the swipe of Bush's pen, make America's inhuman treatment of others, OK?

PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE, let you Senators and Representatives know that NO ONE is above the law...NO ONE!

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