Saturday, November 18, 2006

Paddy at Last!

It only took 40 plus years...a mere heartbeat of time in the Grand Scheme of things...but at long last George Dubya has found his way to the rice paddies of Viet Nam.

Do you think he will find it the SAME jungle that the multitude of America's military found it back in the 60's and 70's...when the war raged?

I remember...

Since it didn't happen all THAT long ago...

Perhaps a year...PROBABLY less...

When my adult daughter...

Noting Dubya's VALUABLE service to our Country during the monumentally difficult war in Viet Nam...

At least when he could be found, that is, back then...

In the National Guard...

Thanks to Daddy Bush...

In Texas...

The HOTBED of Viet Cong incursion!!!!

(Why have our history books failed to recount all the skirmishes, Dubya and his fellow NG'ers((National Guarders, that is,) engaged in during their military service during the 60's and 70's.)

I have to admit to my shame...or encroaching Alzheimers...that I can NOT, to this day, remember the North Viet Namese trying to take Dallas, Waco, Abiliene, or ANY Texas strongholds.

(Musta been during my OSTRICH days when I had my head buried in the bomb cellar beneath our dog pen.) ANYBODY can have a bomb cellar beneath their home! :>)

There are those, I am sure, who scoff at Dubya's enlistment and pivotal performances fighting the enemy in the Texas division of the National Guard...but surely they MUST be wrong. How could Dubya, an absolute fanatic about engaging America in HIS war in Iraq, all these years later, have skirted Viet Nam and his duty to protect and defend his Country when it had been HIS turn to fight?

I wonder, was Texas as much of a mess as Saigon back then? Did Dubya have to worry about the similarities between the allies he was fighting for and the enemy he was fighting against all looking alike as the men and women who fought the war on the foreign soil in Viet Nam did?

What a shame we did not have embedded journalists in the Texas jungle back then? How much more glory would Dubya be able to draw upon were there news footage of him engaging The Viet Cong back to be produced at will. (He might not have had to wear that spiffy flight outfit during his STUPENDOUS "Mission Accomplished" ego-op three years ago.)

I am fairly certain there will be PLENTY of news footage from his sojourn in TODAY'S Viet Nam and his "Aw Shucks! I'm just an average sorta guy" humility.

By traveling to the much CALMER Viet Nam of today, Dubya will FINALLY be able to accurately describe the places he never saw all those years ago, (Although I doubt he'll have the opportunity to EXPERIENCE the lesson's...oh Let's Say John McCain and John Kerry had while in Viet Nam back then)...

And hopefully he will ALSO be able to return those North Viet Cong rebels he and his fellow Texas National Guardsmen captured (you HAVE to wonder where they were imprisioned, dontcha?)long years ago and as far away as the Rice Paddies of the Longhorn State of Texas. (Do you think they used the Alamo as their prison encampent?)

I suppose Dubya's arriving this late is better than NEVER arriving...sorta...maybe...

All I can say to Dubya is...

Now that the Viet Nam War is over...LONG is truly great of you to finally visit the place that spawned all those VC that dastardley kept all you Texas military types so busy back then...

Bravo Warrior Man Dubya!!!

Thursday, November 09, 2006

Another Levee Fails?

Rummy is gone!

The SAME Rummy that Bush said only days ago would be with him until the end of his reign...along with Mr. Sharpshooter, Dick Cheney.

BOTH of these men received Bush's declaration of cohesive support...Yet, on Tuesday, the Country changed the waves in Bush's private he cast Rummy overboard...much the way he cast Louisiana and Mississippi overboard after Hurricane Katrina.

I guess Rummy's levees weren't strong enough to stem the tide of the tsunami set off by his excecution of Bush's botched war.

No matter how many targets must be tossed into the percolating seas of Bush's incompetence, the fact remains that ultimately BUSH is the one at fault for the debacle of Iraq, the illegal use of torture, the illegal detaining of prisoners, the gross mismanagement of the health care changes his régimé put into law, and the lies...SO MANY LIES...that fall like venom from all of the progammed Hydra's mouth.

STAY THE COURSE...yesterday Bush claimed that the Democrats AND we poor, dumb lemmings that voted them into power...had erroneously assumed Bush meant to STAY THE COURSE in Iraq, but as Keith Olbermann showed last night on Countdown...(Dontcha just LOVE Keith Olbermann?)...Bush, from his OWN lips echoed the phrase STAY THE COURSE 29 times...and as recently as last week?

WAIT...I think I begin to understand...Bush is a puppet who's in a state of semi-conscious catatonia and it is really CHENEY speaking. Bush could hardly be able to remember what he might have said in this altered state...right?

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Hope...Again...At Last!

Five years...such a long time to go without feeling hope in one's spirit...but that is what those American's who couldn't see through the "Good Ol' Boy" charade the current resident at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue showed the world were suckered into electing their regime in to power. Five years...of absolute control and tenacious strangle-hold over all three branches of our Government. Five years of no checks and balance against the autocracy of George W. Bush and his puppet master, Dick Cheney. Five years of corrupt rewriting of the very basics of the Constitution that they had been empowered to defend and protect by the voters they betrayed.

BUT Now we have some hope...thanks to yesterday's sweeping of American politics by so many areas in the government machinery.

Now is the time for this regime to be reminded that they are not ABOVE the Law...that they cannot rewrite the Constitution just so they can continue illegal and immoral acts.

Now the WORLD that did NOT vote this corrupt incompetence, has cause to hope too. Imagine not being given the opportunity to chose this regime, but having to endure the consequences of this administration and its neo-con autocracy?

I hope Americans now realize that when they vote for the top office, they are also voting for the person who will effect not just us, but the tenor of the world too. We have a responsibility that is far wider in scope than JUST choosing the head of OUR Country. We are not ostriches who can bury our heads in the ground. Like it or not, we are a GLOBAL community and as such must choose those who represent us with far more care than we have ever had to in the past.

I hope this new wave puts the breaks on 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue and its covert violation of all that America stands for. I hope the wave of yesterday's change ripples out and finally reins in this White House and its band of sorry bandits. Because we need to remember this White House STILL has two more years of mucking about.

Oh, and how is it a change to bring in another Bush bud to run this war? I am, of course, speaking of the schnook who is Rummy's replacement!